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The Key Major to Better Future is You

The major key to get our better future is ourself. Lock our mind onto that. This is a super important point to remember. The major key is we. Mr. Shoaff always answered when asked; “How do we develop an above average income?” by saying “Simple; become an above average person. Work on we.” Mr. Shoaff would say; “Develop an above average handshake.”

He would say; “A lot of people want to be successful; and they don’t even work on their handshake. As easy as that would be to start; they let this slide. They don’t understand.” Mr. Shoaff would say; “Develop an above average smile.

Develop an above average dedication. Develop an above average excitement. Develop an above average interest in other people.” He would say; “To have more; become more.” Remember; work harder on ourself than we do on our job. For a long time in my life; I did not have this figured out.

Strangely enough; with two different people in the same company one may earn an extra $100 a month; and the other may earn a $1;000. What could possibly be the difference? If the products were the same; if the training was the same; if they both had the same literature; the same tools.

If they both had the same teacher; the same compensation plan; if they both attended the same meetings; why would one person earn the $100 per month and the other person earn the $1000? Remember here is the difference…the difference is personal; inside; not outside; inside.

You see the real difference is inside we. In fact; the difference IS we. Someone once said; “The magic is not in the products. The magic is not in the literature. The magic is not in the film. There isn’t a magic meeting; but the magic that makes things better is inside we; and personal growth makes this magic work for we.

The magic is in believing. The magic is in daring. The magic is in trying. The real magic is in persevering. The magic is in accepting. It’s in working. The magic is in thinking. There is magic in a handshake. There is magic in a smile. There is magic in excitement and determination.

There is real magic in compassion and caring and sharing. There is unusual magic in strong feeling and we see; all that comes from inside; not outside. So; the difference is inside we. The real difference is we. You are the major key to our better future.

All Of things that can have an effect on our future; I believe personal growth is the greatest. We can talk about sales growth; profit growth; asset growth; but all of this probably will not happen without personal growth.

It is really the open door to this all. In fact I’d like to have we memorize a most important phrase. Here this is; “The major key to our better future is WE.”
Let me repeat that. “The Key Major to Better Future is You” Put that someplace we can see this everyday; in the bathroom; in the kitchen; at the office; anywhere where we can see this everyday. The major key to our better future is WE. Try to remember that every day we live and think about this. The major key is WE.

Now; there are many things that will help our better future. If we belong to a strong; dynamic and progressive company; that would help. If the company has good products; good services that we are proud of; that would certainly help. If there were good sales aids; that would help; good training would certainly help.

If there is strong leadership that will certainly help. All of these things will help; and of course; if this doesn’t storm; that will help. If our car doesn’t break down; that will help. If the kids don’t get sick; that will help. If the neighbors stay half way civil; that will help. If our relatives don’t bug we; that will help.

If this isn’t too cold; if this isn’t too hot; all those things will help our better future. And if prices don’t go much higher and if taxes don’t get much heavier; that will help. And if the economy stays stable; those things will all help. We could go on and on with the list; but remember this; the list of things that I’ve just covered and many more -all put together- play a minor role in our better future.

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Peluang Bisnis Secara Online

Cara Pertama:

sebuah program penghasil uang yang sangat mudah untuk di terapkan, hanya dalam 3 langkah saja anda sudah dapat menghasilkan uang dari situs ini, cara kerja dari situs ini sangat mudah, anda hanya di minta untuk menginstal ticker bar (seperti display iklan) di komputer anda, semua proses pendaftaran gratis. setelah anda selesai mendownload ticker bar, maka proses selanjutnya anda sudah bisa mendapat uang, untuk itu anda haris mencari teman/downline agar melakukan sama seperti anda, program ini hanya boleh satu komputer untuk satu account saja. dibawah ini list uang yang akan anda terima perbulannya jika anda berhasil mengumpulkan downline dan mendownload ticker bar dari situs ini.
$ 1 / bulan : 10 downline
$ 10 / bulan : 100 downline
$ 100 / bulan : 1000 downline
$ 1.000 / bulan : 10000 downline
$ 10.000 / bulan : 100000 downline
$ 100.000 / bulan : 1000000 downline $ 1.000.000 / bulan : 10000000 downline
anda akan di bayar setelah 60 hari mengikuti program ini dan jika menghasilkan minimal $90, untuk proses pembayarannya akan di kirim melalui cek kerumah anda, maka dari itu hati-hati dalam menulis alamat untuk pengiriman ceknya.
klik barner di bawah ini untuk mulai mendaftar :

Jangan Sia-siakan Peluang Untuk Anda

Cara kedua:

mendapatkan uang semudah mengklik mouse, itu lah kata yang cocok untuk menggambarkan situs ini. sistem yang di gunakan adalah dengan cara klik iklan. satu hal yang menarik dari situs ini adalah proses registrasi yang mudah, banyak iklan yang bisa di klik, dan menerapkan sistem referrer. bahkan kalau referrer anda yang melakukan klik, maka anda juga kebagian. Tidak ada salahnya untuk saat ini anda mengisi kolom referrer dengan nama "ahmadflem". Ya anggap saja itu merupakan imbalan dan tanda terima kasih anda kepada saya karena saya telah memberitahukan informasi mengenai bisnis online ini untuk anda. Selanjutnya anda dapat mememberitahukan kepada orang yang anda ajak untuk bergabung menggunakan nama referrer anda.
proses sangat sederhana, anda hanya perlu mengklik sebuah link dan menampilkan sebuah situs selama 30 detik. anda akan memproleh $0.01 setiap situs yang muncul, begitu pula yang di lakukan downline anda. anda dapat mlakukan penarikan dana setelah terkumpul $10. di bawah ini perhitungan penghasilan bulanan anda : 10 referrer x $ 0,01 x 10 iklan x 30 hari = $ 30 / bulan 100 referrer x $ 0,01 x 10 iklan x 30 hari = $ 300 / bulan 1000 referrer x $ 0,01 x 10 iklan x 30 hari = $ 3.000 / bulan
10000 referrer x $ 0,01 x 10 iklan x 30 hari = $ 30.000 / bulan
100000 referrer x $ 0,01 x 10 iklan x 30 hari = $ 300.000 / bulan
1000000 referrer x $ 0,01 x 10 iklan x 30 hari = $ 3.000.000 / bulan
menarik bukan. anda bisa menghasilkan banyak dolar dengan seketika.
untuk memulai mendaftar, anda hanya perlu mengklik barner di bawah ini :
  1. klik register yang terdapat di sudut kanan atas.
  2. isi formulir sesuai data yang di minta. dan tuliskan "ahmadflem" pada kolom referrer. lanjutkan dengan mengklik tonbol register.
  3. anda akan menerima pesan yang menunjukkan proses pendaftaran telah berhasil di daftarkan.
  4. login yang berada di sudut kanan atas.
  5. klik menu surf. di sana terdapat link atau iklan yag harus anda klik satu persatu.
  6. untuk mengetahui berapa banyak pendapatan yang telah anda peroleh, klik link my stats.
mudahkan? segeralah bergabung di situs ini untuk mendapatkan pengasilan besar secara online.

Jangan Sia-siakan Peluang Untuk Anda

In The End - Linkinpark